At Leader Cabling Systems, management's aim is to prevent accidents and personal injury by always maintaining a high standard of workplace safety. People are our most important asset & their safety & health is of the greatest importance.
We will therefore ensure that, so far as is practicable, a safe working environment is provided & maintained for all employees, sub-contractors, visitors & the general public.
We will also ensure, so far as is practicable, that the minimum standards, as set out in WA Legislation, are our primary objectives to assist and achieve safety in the workplace. These are:
- Safe work practices and systems of work
- Safe plant and machinery
- Information, traning and supervision
- Competent and knowledgeable sub-contractors
- Consultation on all matters affecting peronal safety
- Monitoring and control of environmental factors in the workplace
- Facilities for emergency and first aid treatment
To assist us in achieving our aim, all staff and sub-contractors engaged by Leader Cabling Systems are expected to support the policy by following safe work precedures and contributing to the process of identifying and controlling hazards, by providing constructive input where they feel there is a risk of injury to themselves or others, and by reporting all accidents and near misses.
We will only achieve success with our safety management program if all staff demonstrate their commitment by having a positive attitude towards the maintenance of high safety standards.